Judiciary Process

Everyone involved in our sport should be treated with respect and dignity and be free to participate without being discriminated against, harassed, bullied or abused.

NWSF has developed a complaint handling procedure when behavioural standards in football are not met. Speak to your team coach/manager if you would like to lodge a complaint. All complaints will be taken seriously and handled with due process in a consistent, fair and impartial manner.

Committees and Tribunals

There are three Committees and Tribunals enacted to manage the Grievance and Disciplinary process:

  1. Disciplinary Committee (DC)
  2. General Purpose Tribunal (GPT)
  3. Appeal Tribunal (AT)

Disciplinary Committee (DC)

Subject to section 7.1(b), the Disciplinary Committee has jurisdiction to:

  1. issue Suspensions in respect of Red Card offences (section 7.2)
  2. determine any challenge relating to mistaken identity pursuant to section 7.3
  3. issue penalties for Team Misconduct pursuant to section 16.5 (b) i and 16.5 (b) ii

The DC shall only have jurisdiction to issue a suspension that is no greater than one calendar year. A suspension that is greater than one calendar year may only be issued by a Tribunal. The DC shall refer a matter to the GPT if it determines that the matter warrants consideration of a suspension greater than one calendar year.

General Purpose Tribunal (GPT)

  1. The GPT shall deal with all incident reports and serious send offs directed to the GPT by the DC or the General Manager. The GPT will also deal with any challenge referred to them by the DC.
  2. All decisions of the GPT will be conveyed by email to the player’s club within two days of the hearing.

Appeals Tribunal (AT)

  1. The AT will deal with all appeals from decisions of the DC and GPT
  2. All appeals must be made in writing setting out grounds of appeal within seven days of receipt by the club of the decision of the DC or GPT together with the relevant appeal fee

NWSF Code of Conduct

Member Protection Framework

Member Protection Complaints Procedure