Codes of Behaviour

Winning at any sport is a part of sporting tradition but this is not as important as the “spirit of the game”

Sports Rage

Sport rage is any violence, foul language, harassment, abuse or bad behaviour in sport. Sport rage is bad for sport – reducing enjoyment, risking safety and tarnishing club reputations

The Impact Of Sport Rage On Officials

In 2002, the Australian Bureau of Statistics released a report showing that there had been a 26% decline in the number of officials participating in sport between 1997 and 2001.

Follow-up national research by the Australian Sports Commission indicated that lack of respect for, and abuse of, officials was a significant factor contributing to this decline.

It found that the most common reasons for an official quitting were the high level of abuse they received and the lack of respect for their role in the sport.











National Code of Conduct and Ethics